Monday, August 6, 2012

Das Bierfest

So, as promised I'm finishing the wonderful Friday that I had last week, with maybe a bit more from the rest of the weekend.

But after coming back from the game and dinner, we went down into town for the local Bierfest (of sorts).

Basically, one of the biggest companies in town is the local brewery, Bosch. And during the months of July and August, they throw parties in the main center of town, Wilhelmsplatz. There is a local band that plays and the ice cream store on the Wilhelmsplatz is open and a lot of people come out to here the band and drink beer.

So we all went down to the party to hang out and have a good time. The band was actually pretty good and they seemed to alternate between English/American rock songs and German rock songs. I didn't know some of the English ones but it seemed like a lot of people in the town knew all the words to every song, so I guess they were all pretty popular.

And now, the big elephant in the blog post. Alcohol. I'm 18, which means all forms of alcohol are technically legal for me here. The CBYX rules only allow beer and wine, for which the legal age is 16. Kind of irrelevant at this point because Bosch is a beer company with a bit of a monopoly. But just in case you were wondering.

Really not a huge fan of the way beer tastes. Handled myself well; a decent first time, I'd say.

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